No.144 研究課題 / Project
多摩川流域の神社分布の特質とその信仰形態をめぐる研究Study of distribution of shrines and their religious conditions in Tamagawa River basin学術研究 Academic Research |
No.144 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
牛山 佳幸 Yoshiyuki Ushiyama |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
信州大学教育学部助教授 Shinshu University |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
本研究は文献史料の収集と、その操作・解読を基軸としつつ、現地調査の成果も採用しながら、多摩川流域に鎮座する神社の分布上、ならびに宗教上の特質を解明するのが目的であり、初年度は、この流域に数社が現存する女体社を対象に、利根川流域の同名の神社群と比較検討しながら、それらの性格と成立事情を考察した。 第二年度は、東京都世田谷区宇奈根に鎮座する氷川神社を対象に、かってこれが宇奈根神社と呼ぱれていたとの想定を前提にしつつ、全国的にみられたウナネ信仰の事例を参考としながら、この神社の当初の宗教的性格や成立時期などについて検討した。 We collected and deciphered historical documents and carried out field surveys. Based on these studies, we were able to understand the distribution and religious characteristics of shrines located in the Tamagawa River basin In the first year, we examined Nyotai-sha Shrines in the River basin (several shrines named Nyotai-sha exist in the basin). More specifically, we discussed the characteristics of these shrines and how and why they were constructed by comparing them with shrines with the same name that are located in the Tone River basin In the second year, we examined Hikawa Shrine in Unane Region (Setagawa Ward, Tokyo Prefecture ). More specifically, we discussed the religious characteristics of the shrine and when the shrine was constructed, taking into account the fact that the shrine was once called Unane Shrine, and that unane was widely found throughout Japan . |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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