
No.139 研究課題 / Project

安定同位体を利用した玉川上水における浸透量と脱窒量の評価Evaluation of seepage and denitrification in Tamagawa Josui channel by use of stable isotopes

Academic Research
Principal Investigator
田瀬 則雄
Norio Tase
University of Tsukuba
Research Summary
下水処理水が放流され、表流水の出入がなく、自然状態に近い水路である玉川上水で、窒素安定同体存在比(∂15N値〉と可溶性塩類濃度を測定し、流下にともなう変化から自浄作用の評価を試みた。また、酸素安定同位体存在比(∂18 O値)により流下により減少する水量が蒸発あるいは浸透によるものかを検討した。

Treated water is discharged into the Tamagawa Josui Channel, with no inflow or outflow of surface water. In this channel, we measured nitrogen stable isotope ratios (d15N value) and soluble salt levels, in order to evaluate the self-purification of the channel based on changes during the downflow of water. We also determined the oxygen stable isotope ratio (d18O value) so as to judge whether or not a decrease in water quantity along with the downflow of water was due to evaporation or percolation.

While channel water flowed down for ten hours, NH4 and NO2- levels decreased, and NO3- levels increased. On the other hand, the load of total inorganic nitrogen decreased; the d15N values of NO3, N and total inorganic nitrogen increased; and alkalinity (HCO3-) increased. These facts suggested that nitrification and denitrification were taking place. Moreover, it was observed that these processes were active immediately after the discharge.

d15N value is believed to be a direct indicator of the self-purification of rivers, as well as a good indicator of changes in the concentrations of compounds (loading amount).

There was virtually no decrease in water quantity while channel water flowed down; it may be because the riverbed was clogged. Evaporation was also deemed negligible, in consideration of changes in the oxygen stable isotope ratio.
新井秀子、鈴村 力、嶋田 純

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