No.132 研究課題 / Project
野川流域の自噴井、湧水、地下水中のラドンの分布と環境放射能への寄与に関する研究Study of distribution of radon in fountain, spring and ground waters and its contribution to environmental radioactivity学術研究 Academic Research |
No.132 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
堀内 公子 Kimiko Horiuchi |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
都立大学理学部化学教室助手 Tokyo Metropolitan University |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
湧水から放出されるラドンの総量は湧出量に関係してくる。 1986年12月~1988年1月迄に7回測定された野川上流部の流量のデータを参考にラドンの放出量を概算した。 野川上流部7地点における流量の総計を測定日数で平均し、年間(季節によらず)1日の平均流量とした。 ラドン濃度の季節変化測定にあげた96データを用い各測定点の平均値を出し、それを年間を通じての各地点のラドン濃度とした。流量、ラドン濃度はそれぞれ、5,862±3,392m3/d 、592.3±131.6pci/lとなった。 野川の水中のラドン濃度測定結果をみると上流域を出た附近で6.6pci/lであった。従って野川上流の上の地点から約3kmのあいだで592.7±131.6pci/lのラドンが6.6pci/lまで減少したと考えれぱよい。 即ち、586.lpci/lあたりのラドンが川の流下にともなって大気中に放出されるラドン総量を概算すると3.4mci(125.8MBq)となる。 大気中のラドンの輸送や拡散は垂直温度勾配、風向、風速、乱流、気圧などに依存する。 流下1km、幅lkm、高さl0mの範囲に1時問あたり放出されるラドンの総量が平均的に分散したと仮定するとラドンの大気中の濃度は0.52Bq/m3となる。 The total amount of radon emitted from spring water is dependent on the volume of spring water. We estimated the amount of radon emissions based on data on the flow volume in the upper Nogawa River basin measured seven times between December 1986 and January 1988. In order to obtain the daily average flow rate (regardless of the season) for each of the seven sites in the upper Nogawa basin, the total flow volume at each site was divided by the number of days on which the measurement was performed. In order to obtain the daily radon concentration at each site, we averaged 96 data collected for the analysis of the seasonal variation in radon concentrations. Average flow rate and average radon concentration were 5,862 ± 3,392 m3/d and 592.3 ± 131.6 pCi/L/d, respectively. The radon concentration in the Nogawa River water was 6.6 pCi/L/d at the end of the upper River basin. This data indicates that the radon concentration drops from 592.7 ± 131.6 pCi/L/d to 6.6 pCi/L/d, as the River flows 3 km between the beginning and the end of the upper river basin. More specifically, as the River flows, 586.1 pCi/L/d of radon is released to the air, which means 3.4 mCi/d (125.8 MBq) of radon is discharged daily. The transportation and the dispersion of radon are dependent on vertical temperature gradient, wind direction, wind speed, turbulence, and atmospheric pressure. Radon concentration in the atmosphere is estimated to be 0.52 Bq/m3/d, assuming that the total quantity of radon discharged per hour to a certain volume of space ?1 km of river length, 1 km in width, and 10 m in height ? is dispersed evenly into the air. |
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