No.054 研究課題 / Project
多摩川河川敷および沿川のタンポポ類の分布と環境の解析Distribution of dandelions and their environment in riverside areas of Tamagawa River andadjacent areas学術研究 Academic Research |
No.054 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
本谷 勲 Isao Mototani |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
東京農工大学農学部教授 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
(1)これまでの研究により市衛地のタンポポが外来種(セイョウタンポポ)が優先し、在来種が減少している原因は、人間の開発のしかたにおおいに関係していることを明らかにしてきた。 (2)河川敷は色々の種類の人為の影響をうけているので河川敷と背後の地域のタンポポの分布と土地の利用状況の関係を明らかにしようとする。 (1) In urban areas, Taraxacus officinale (nationalized dandelion) has become more dominant than Taraxacum platycarpum (native dandelion), which is now on the decline. Previous studies have revealed that the people's manner of urban development has significant impacts on this phenomenon. (2) It is believed that human activities have major impacts on the riverside areas of the Tamagawa River. Therefore we examined the distribution of dandelions not only in riverside areas, but also in more inland areas. Then we clarified the relationship between dandelion distribution and land utilization. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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