No.032 研究課題 / Project
多摩川流域の蝶類保護に関する生態学的研究Ecological study for conservation of butterflies in Tamagawa River basin -- with special reference to parnassius glacialis学術研究 Academic Research |
No.032 |
代表研究者 Principal Investigator |
三島 次郎 Jiro Mishima |
所属(採択当時) Affiliation |
筑波大学生物科学系講師 University of Tsukuba |
研究内容要約 Research Summary |
多摩川流域の急速な都市化にともない多くの蝶が姿を消しつつある。陸上大型動物と異なり、蝶類の多くは大きな潜在的増殖能力を持っており、個体群の保持、数の増減に対ナる諸要因の影響は特異的なものと考えられる。 消えゆく蝶類に対する保護の声は大きくても、従来、蝶類保護に関する基礎的研究は殆んどなきれておらず、画一的に動物全般における方法や考え方(環境を乱さない採集を止めよう……など)が適用ざれているのみと言ってよい。 本研究では稀産種、都市化の影響を受けやすい種、とりわけウスバアゲハを材料として生活史、個体群密度、全調節機構、食餌植物との関係などを明らかにすることにより、保護の具体的あり方、基本的考え方を提示すると共に、保護の実際・保護の教育の先導的試行を目的とした。 The population of butterflies is significantly decreasing along with rapid urbanization in the Tamagawa River basin. Unlike terrestrial large animals, butterflies have potential propagation ability. Therefore, changes in butterfly population trend are believed to be dependent on specific factors. People pay attention to the decline of butterflies. However, little basic research has actually been carried out for the preservation of butterfly species. In addition, any measures taken do not seem to be effective: for example, one of them is a method for animals as a whole, and another is something like a slogan, such as “do not destroy the environment” and “stop insect collecting.” The butterfly species researched here was Parnassius glacialis, which is rare and easily affected by urbanization. We examined this species regarding its life history, population density, all the regulation mechanisms, and host plants. The final purposes of this study were to offer suggestions as to the preservation of the species, and pave the way for the actual preservation as well as for the environmental education. |
共同研究者 Collaborators |
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